BO-Cash is a business simulation under competition between several companies of a branch, developed for education and
further education purposes. The oligopoly market is characterized by a few big sellers (the participants) and a lot
of small customers, which are not further specified. Every participant group have to manage their company by raising
their own success by a high productivity of the own company and a skilfully strategic planning. The main target of
the simulation is, to allow the participant to make a lot of decisions (i.e. production, sales, marketing, financial)
in a limited amount of time and to calculate the resulting consequences in the most accuracy way. Thereby the level
of reality is one of the most important aspects.
The administrator of the simulation can take a precise influence to the simulation by setting up the market and product
conditions and by changing them during the simulation. Realistic product and market behaviour is adjustable as well
as the influence of real time events and incidents.
BO-Cash was developed from Dipl. Bw. M. Bembenek in cooperation with
Prof. Dr. M. Sturm, which was the
head of the "Centre of Education and Development of Quantitative Procedure and Business Simulation" of the
University of Science, Bochum, and
Dipl. Bw. A. Düren.
BO-Cash is based on a complex database system, which calculates the results of the companies from more than one thousand
base values of the initial configuration and a lot more resulting from the decisions of the companies. The company members
gets a structured periodic result report, including usual economic sheets like a balance, a profit and loss calculation,
calculation sheet for the operating result or a financial report. A lot of these reports are available in real time,
that mean, that the participants can see their planning results as far as they have felt a decision. After all decisions
are done, the administrator closes the planning period and results of the own strategic planning, the market shares
and some results of the competitors are available.
BO-Cash is available for all common and newer windows platforms. BO-Cash supports its own user
management and security system and is easy to use in a network or internet environment as well as on stand alone machines.
Additional to the software itself, logic systems provides you with highly qualified trainers with the experience
of many years, leading business simulation and management seminars and which are perfect educated administering the
BO-Cash business simulation.